Carrie: I like my money right where I can see it: hanging in my closet.
Anthony: Stonewashed jeans and a matching jacket.
Carrie: Ladies, I am not Tampax central. Put on list: buy tampons.
Miranda: Wow—Kate must have a tiny vagina.
Samantha: I never leave underwear at a guy's place because I never see it again.
Samantha: Nothing; I just never go back.
Carrie: Doesn't that get a little expensive, disposing of lingerie every time you sleep with a guy?
Samantha: That's why I stopped wearing underwear on dates.
Miranda: And that's why I'm never borrowing a dress from you again.
Miranda [shopping for a wedding dress]: I said no white, no ivory, no nothing that says virgin. I have a child. The jig is up.
Carrie (Buying a pregnancy test): Which kind do I get?
Miranda: Here. This one's on sale: half-off.
Carrie: I just spent $395 on a pair of open-toed Guccis last week. This is not the place to be frugal.
Samantha: I happen to love the way I look.
Miranda: You should. You paid enough for it.
Samantha: You know, women dressing like men is very popular right now.
Carrie: And here I thought it was Pokemon.
Aidan: Don't take this the wrong way but this place could use a little work.
Carrie: I know, but I can't afford it.
Aidan: You've got eight thousand bucks' worth of shoes over there.
Carrie: I needed those!
Carrie: I've talked to [Natasha] twice. Once I was in a cowboy hat and once I was in my bra. I'm like friggin' Annie Get Your Clothes On.
Carrie: Honey, if it hurts so much, why are we going shopping?
Samantha: I have a broken toe, not a broken spirit.
Susan Sharon: It's 100% Italian cashmere and light as a feather.
Carrie: God, I love it! It's a cashmere-acle!
Nick Waxler, Modelizer: Why fuck the girl in the skirt if you can fuck the girl in the ad for the skirt?
Nick Waxler, Modelizer: My friends think I'm shallow. Sometimes I think they're right. Other times I think, hey—I'm fucking a model.
Carrie: He was like the flesh and blood equivalent of a DKNY dress: you know it's not your style but it's right there, so you try it on anyway.
Steve: What's wrong with corduroy?
Miranda: I don't have enough time to tell you what's wrong with corduroy.
Stanford: Excuse me, but when did wild sex come back in style?
Carrie: I think that was the weekend you spent at the Barney's warehouse sale.
Vaughn: Hey, GQ called.
Carrie: Really? They want you to write something?
Vaughn: No, they want me to wear something. It's great to be a writer these days. There's so little writing involved.
Carrie: Just don't be photographed in anything sleeveless. No one who went sleeveless ever won a Pulitzer.
Carrie: I realized I was in the throes of an existential crisis. One that not even the sight of this season's Dolce & Gabbana strappy sandals could lift me out of.
Carrie's answering machine message: Hi. I'm not here but my shoes are, so leave them a message.
Miranda: I don't know. Something with a title like How to Lose That Baby Fat by Sitting On Your Ass.
Berger, about Carrie's furry heels: What do you have there, a pet?
[Berger is shocked by the price of a Prada shirt.]
Prada Salesguy: But you will wear it forever!
Berger: Yeah, I'd have to! Does it also somehow open into a small studio apartment?
Carrie, after being told to take off her shoes: But... this is an outfit!
Carrie: How about I read you a little bit of my favorite poetry?
Aleksandr: Please.
Carrie: [Reads from Vogue] "Cocktails at Tiffanys calls for classic charm. Oscar de
Samantha: What if it comes back? I could die, Carrie. With really bad hair.
Samantha: Maybe I should just shave it all off.
Carrie: Yeah, you could be one of those fantastic bald women who's all about earrings.
Samantha: I'd better not look like fucking Kojak.
Carrie: I fell. I fell in Dior. So I decided that the more I purchased the less they'd think of me as the American who fell in Dior. Aleksandr: They don't think like that. Carrie: Well, not anymore they don't. This is the shopping equivalent of a lobotomy.
Carrie to Aidan: Here. Swear on Chanel.
J'ai trouvé un site génial d'une accro de la série qui a listé plein de citations de la série:
Vous saviez qu'un deuxième film sortira pour l'été 2010??
Je vous laissez avec quelques photos de looks culte de la série. <3

-I thought it was just feathers.
-No. It was a bird.

An American Girl in Paris

J'aimais bien les cheveux courts de Carrie dans la saison 5...

Il m'en faut une.
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